
The Office of Continuing Professional Development at the Faculty of Medicine is a key player in transforming Canadian healthcare and a global leader in continuing healthcare education research. Our research and scholarship programs aim to strengthen the linkages between CPD and knowledge translation, quality improvement, and patient safety.

CPD Grants, Awards and Fellowships

Continuing Professional Development promotes research and scholarship through the provision of and support for research and development grants and awards:

CPD is pleased to issue a call for applications for the 2025 CPD Ideas Grants. The terms of these grants, eligibility criteria, and application procedures are available here. The deadline for the 2025 cycle is Friday, January 31st, 2025 at midnight.

For information about other internal and external grants available to support CPD scholarship, please see links and information.

Our scholarship team is able to provide advice or review drafts of grant applications.

Also available are a number of awards, including a fellowship to support CPD scholarship. Deadlines and instructions for applying can be found on this webpage.

The Continuing Professional Development COVID-19 Response Fund (CPD-CRF) – We would like to thank all of the applicants to the CPD COVID-19 Response Fund which closed for submissions in April 2020. An introduction to the seven funded projects can be found here. We would like to thank all applicants and peer-reviewers for your time and effort.

Research and Scholarship Consultations

CPD offers faculty members consultations with our Scholarship Team about projects related to CPD or CPD accredited programs. We can offer assistance with writing grant or ethics applications, study design and analysis, and disseminating your findings. Please contact David Wiljer ( with a brief description of your idea or study and what kind of support you may need.

Free Access to NVivo Software for UofT Community

University of Toronto faculty, staff and students can access NVivo software under a university-wide site license at no cost to the individual. NVivo software is designed to help researchers organize, code, and analyze qualitative and mixed methods research data. Visit the UofT Libraries Website

Human Research Ethics Protocols Process

The University of Toronto’s process for the submission and review of human research ethics protocols has moved online and instead of emailing completed forms, protocols can now be submitted online through My Research Human Protocols (MRHP). In order to access the My Research Applications (MRA) system, on which MRHP is hosted, faculty members must have research privileges at the University of Toronto. The Research and Innovation Office has compiled a guide for Principal Investigators on how to navigate the system. Faculty who are eligible may also designate access to ethics protocols to staff or students through the MRHP system in order to assist with the submission process.

Key Scholarship Resources