
Learn how you can accredit your upcoming program and use the university’s name and logo to promote your program.

Learn More →

Program and Conference Management

Learn how the CPD team can help manage your upcoming program or conference.

Review CPD Services →

Faculty Development

Discover resources and find out about best practices in program identification, design, development, delivery and measurement.

Get Started →

Certified Professional in CPD (Healthcare) Credential

CPD is pleased to announce a formal designation for those engaged professionally in the discipline of CPD and in creating CPD programs: the Certified Professional in CPD (Healthcare) (CPC (HC)) credential. Learn More →

Program Development

Our Education Consultants can work with you to create the most effective program for your target market.

Review 10 recommended steps →

Quick Tips for Program Developers

An overview of policies, procedures and tips for creating, planning and implementing your next academic program or conference.

View Quick Tips for Program Directors
Speaker Microphone

Scientific Planning Committee Resources

Quick Tip Resources for Faculty →
Tips for Needs Assessment, Designing Effective Visuals, Program Design, Accreditation and more.

Speaker Invitation Letter Template →
Program Directors can use this template for speakers to ensure they are aware of learning objectives and disclosure policies.

Conflict of Interest: Slide Template
Template for speakers and planning committee members of Mainpro+ programs and conferences to declare conflict or no conflict of interest. PowerPoint 4x3 → PowerPoint 16x9 →

Sponsorship Policy →
Provides information on how best to meet accreditation standards ensuring there is no bias or perception of bias in an accredited program or conference.

Disclosure Declaration →
Speakers and planning committee members must complete all sections of this disclosure form. A conflict or no conflict of interest must be indicated.

Conflict of Interest: CFPC Quick Tips →
Guidelines for speakers and planning committee members of Mainpro+ certified programs and conferences who must identify and manage conflicts of interest.