CPD Scholarship Annual Report 2023

July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023

This report is a summary of CPD-related scholarly contributions from members of the CPD Scholarship Team. It is not intended to reflect the many significant CPD-related scholarly contributions by other members of the Faculty.

Awards & Honours

Canadian Association of Medical Educators (CAME) Certificate of Merit (2023) Rowland P.

President, Society for Academic Medical Education. (2022 Mar – 2024 Mar) Wiljer D.

Wilson Centre, Mentorship Award (2022) Rowland P.

Fox Award for Best Research Presentation. Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education for Transformation in Time: a Case Study of Decision-Making in Continuing Professional Development Organizations during a Nonnormative Event. Paton M. Zakeri B, Rowland P, Tavares W, Williams B, Schneeweiss S, Wiljer D. (2023)


Art of the Possible Grant, Dept of Family and Community Medicine (DFCM). Title: How well does a health practitioner graduate course on educational technology meet educational technology needs? PI: MacNeill, H; Telner, D. Collaborators: Nemethy, K. (2021-2024) $5000 CAD.

Association of Medical Services (AMS). Creating a digital compassion movement: Supporting a compassionate care experience in the digital and virtual care ecosystem. Principal Investigators: Wiljer D and Strudwick G: Co Investigators: Crawford A, Sockalingam S. Rossos P, Shen N. (2022-2023) $167,827 CAD

Best Practices in CPD Educational Design and Implementation for Health Care Professionals. Funded by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. Principal Investigator: Wiljer D. Co-Investigators: Williams B, Fried J, Kane G, (Aug. 2021 – March 2023) $41,700 USD. Accepted. [Grant].

Building a Global Research Network to Advance Student & Youth Mental Health. Connaught Global Challenge Award-Global Research Impact Program Funding. Nominated Principal Investigator(s): Cleverley K. Principal Investigator: Farb N, Ford B, Goldstein B, Hamza C, Kirsh B, Lee E, Malti T, Sabiston C, Szatmari P, Uliaszek A. Co-investigators: Freeland A, Henderson J, Lai M-C, Wiljer D, and collaborators. (2022-2025) $ 148,800, CAD [Grants]

Co-producing interventions to improve the adoption of OpenNotes in Ontario mental health contexts. Discovery Fund Seed Grant. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Discovery Fund. Principal Investigator: Strudwick G. Co-Investigators: Mehta R, Crawford A, Sockalingam S, Tajirian T, Gratzer D, Wiljer D, Lucas A, Holescheck B, Carter S. Collaborators: O’Neill S, Torous J. (Oct 2020 – Oct 2022) $199,120, CAD [Grants]

CPD IDEAS Grant, Temerty Faculty of Medicine. Title: A Mixed Methods Study to Evaluate Creative Self-Efficacy after Creativity Training in a CPD Program. Litwin S, Park S, Fayaaz J. Schneeweiss S. (2023) $5000 CAD

Exploration Grant. New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF). Canada Research Coordinating Committee and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Principal Investigator: Rowland, P. Co-Investigators: Bell, J., Woods, N., Mylopoulos, M. (2023 Mar -2025 Apr.) $91 875 CAN

Future Skills Centre. Accelerating the appropriate adoption of Artificial Intelligence in health care through building new knowledge, skills, and capabilities in the Canadian health care professions. Principal Investigator: Wiljer D. Program Lead: Salhia M. Co-Investigators: Beaudoin E, Gillan C, Kulasegaram M, Mylopoulos M, Pham Q, Rowland P, Russell A, Shen N, Tavares W, Woods N, Hodges B. (March 2020 – Sept 2023) 1,519,702 CAD. [Grants]

Phil R. Manning Research Award in Continuing Professional Development. Title: Building resilience and well-being in primary care during and after the Covid-19 pandemic: A multiple case-study in continuing professional development. Luconi F, Rodriguez C, Lavoie-Tremblay M, Gutberg J, Baker GR, Montreuil T, Harley J.M., Nugus P, Briand C, Lalla L, Desseilles M, Curran V, Barin O, Zahedi S, Schneeweiss S, Lauzon B. (2022) $50,000 USD

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) Medical Education Research Grant. Title: Beyond “mini-me” and #MeToo: building physicians’ leadership capacity to support the success of people with diverse needs and experiences. PI: Soklaridis S. Co-Investigators: Kuper A, Paton M, MacLeod A, Le Blanc C, Silver I, Lin E, Agic B, Busari J, Sockalingam S, Whitehead C. (2020-2024) $49,786 CAD

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Supporting a Compassionate Experience for Transition-Aged Youth Seeking through Digital Technologies. Principal Investigators: Wiljer D: Co-Investigators: Cleverley K, Shen N, Strudwick G. Collaborators: Charow R, Steele Gray C, Johnson A, Lo B, McDiarmid E, Robb J, Sur D. (2022-2026). $295,572 CAD

Spencer Foundation. Title: Decolonizing the Hospital: The Possibilities and Limits of Anti-Racism Education and Praxis in Academic Health Sciences Centres. PI: Kalocsai C, Co-PIs: Norris M, Kuper A; Co-investigators: Stewart A, Legere L, Townsend C, Lychek M, Srinani G, Aqeel H, Wong M, Reel K, Zaretsky A, Whitehead CR, Richardson L, Fields J, Paton M, Andrade M, Gallant F, Gayle D, Simmons J, Fernando O. (July 2022-June 2024) $49,810.36 (USD)

Sunnybrook SEAC ERU Education Research and Scholarship Grant. Title: Decolonizing the Hospital: The Possibilities and Limits of Anti-Racism Education and Praxis in Academic Health Sciences Centres. PI: Kalocsai C, Co-PIs: Norris M, Kuper A; Co-investigators: Andrade M, Fernando O, Fields J, Gallant F, Gilbert J, Lychek M, Paton M, Reel K, Sherwood Y, Srinani G, Stewart A, Townsend C, Weiss S, Whitehead CR, Zaretsky A, Aqeel H, Legere L. (March 2022-Feb 2024). $10,000 CAD

Workplace Integrated Demonstration Project Grant. Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine. Title: Paramedicine as a component of interprofessional primary care: Developing comprehensive education and its national integration. Principal Applicant: Tavares, W. Co-Applicants: Rowland, P., Batt, A., Drennan, I., Landes, M., Kaas-Mason, S., Donnelly, E., Moran, P. (2023 Apr – 2024 Feb). $130 000 CAD


Peer-Reviewed Publications

Abelson, J., Canfield, C., Leslie, M., Levasseur, M. A., Rowland, P., Tripp, L., Vanstone, M., Cameron, D., Forest, P. G., Sussman, D., Wilson, G. (2022) Understanding patient partnership in health systems: Lessons from the Canadian Patient Partner Survey. British Medical Journal Open. 12(9), e061465. doi:/10.1136/bmjopen-2022-061465

Henry-Noel N, Paton M, Wong R, Dawdy K, Karim A, Soliman H, Di Prospero L, Harnett N, DeAngelie C, Desai C, Wiljer D, Harth T, Schumacher E. (2022). Patient Engagement in the Continuing Professional Development Programs within the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Toronto (UTDRO): A Qualitative Study. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. 53(2), 256-263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmir.2022.03.003

Jeyakumar T, Younus S, Zhang M, Clare M, Charow R, Karsan I, Dhalla A, Al-Mouaswas D, Scandiffio J, Aling J, Salhia M, Lalani N, Overholt S, Wiljer D. Preparing for an Artificial Intelligence–Enabled Future: Patient Perspectives on Engagement and Health Care Professional Training for Adopting Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Health Care Settings JMIR AI 2023;2:e40973. doi:10.2196/40973

Jeyakumar, T., Karsan, I., Williams, B., Fried, J., Kane, G., Ambata-Villanueva, S., Bennett A, McMahon G, Paton M, Williams N, Younus S, Wiljer, D. (2022). Paving the Way Forward for Evidence-Based Continuing Professional Development. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 10-1097. doi:10.1097/CEH.0000000000000500

MacNeill H, Paton M, Schneeweiss S, Wiljer D. Perceived Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Continuing Professional Development (CPD) During COVID-19- CPD Providers’ Perspectives. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions 2023. Publish Ahead of Print , doi: 10.1097/CEH.0000000000000512.

MacNeill, H., Masters, K., Nemethy, K., & Correia, R. (2023). Online learning in health professions education. Part 1: Teaching and learning in online environments: AMEE Guide No. 161. Medical Teacher, 1-14. doi:10.1080/0142159X.2023.2197135

Paton M, Do V, Jeyakumar T, Maniate J, Tavares W, Schneeweiss S, Wiljer D. Elements and Definitions of Continuing Professional Development Leadership: a scoping review. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. (Accepted for publication)

Paton M, Rowland P, Tavares W, Schneeweiss S, Ginsburg S. The ontological choreography of continuing professional development: A mixed methods study of continuing professional development leaders and program directors. (2022) Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions; 42(1):e12-e18. doi:10.1097/CEH.0000000000000360

Rotteau, L., Goldman, J., Shojania, K. G., Vogus, T. J., Christianson, M., Baker, G. R., Rowland, P., Coffey, M. (2022). Striving for high reliability in healthcare: a qualitative study of the implementation of a hospital safety programme. BMJ Quality & Safety, 31(12), 867-877. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2021-013938

Rowland, P., Cupido, N., Albert, M., Kitto, S. (2022). Morbidity and mortality rounds in the medical literature: A text based analysis of shifting knowledge regimes. Social Science and Medicine – Qualitative Research in Health, 1(2), 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.ssmqr.2022.100169

Rowland, P., Tavares, W., Lowe, M., Tripp, T., Richardson, J., Anderson, M., Oja, L., Paton, M., Wiljer, D., Woods, N., Ng, S. (2022). Rapid knowledge mobilization and continuing professional development: Educational responses to COVID-19, Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. 42(1), 66-69. doi:10.1097/CEH.0000000000000348

Sequeira L, McNair D, Wiljer D, Strudwick G, Deluca V, Kailasam K, Thompson M, Chou B, Strauss J. (2022) Implementing Predictive Models Within an Electronic Health Record System: Lessons from an External Validation of a Suicide Risk Model. Stud Health Technol Inform.;290:562-566. doi:10.3233/SHTI220140. PMID: 35673079.

Tavares W, Piquette D, Luong D, Chiu M, Dyte C, Fraser K, Clark M. Exploring the study of simulation as a continuing professional development strategy for physicians. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions. [Accepted for publication]

Soklaridis S, Lin E, Black G, Paton M, LeBlanc C, MacLeod A, Besa R, Silver I, Whitehead C, Kuper A. Moving beyond ‘think leadership, think white male’: the contents and contexts of equity, diversity, and inclusion in physician leadership programs. BMJ Leader 2022;6:146-157. doi:10.1136/leader-2021-000542

Tripp, L., Abelson, J., Vanstone, M., Canfield, C., Leslie, M., Levasseur, M.A., Panday, J., Rowland, P., You, J., Wilson, G., Forest, P.G. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on patient engagement: Results from a pan-Canadian survey of patient, family, and caregiver partners. Health Expectations, 25(2), 744-753. doi:10.1111/hex.13421

Vanstone, M., Canfield, C., Evans, C., Leslie, M., Levasseur, M. A., MacNeil, M., Pahwa, M., Panday, J. Rowland, P., Taneja, S., Tripp, L., You, J., Abelson, J. (2023). Towards conceptualizing patients as partners in health systems: a systematic review and descriptive synthesis. Health Research Policy and Systems, 21(1), 1-14. Doi:10.1186/s12961-022-00954-8

Wiljer D, Tavares W, Charow R, Williams S, Campbell C, Davis D, Jeyakumar T, Mylopoulos M, Okrainec A, Silver I, Sockalingam S. (2022) A Qualitative Study to Understand the Cultural Factors That Influence Clinical Data Use for Continuing Professional Development. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2022 Jul 1;42(3):219-223. doi:10.1097/CEH.0000000000000423.

Wiljer D, Williams S, Charow R, Campbell C, Davis D, Younus S, Mylopoulos M, Okrainec A, Silver I, Tavares W, Sockalingam S. (2022). Exploring Systemic Influences on Data-Informed Learning: Document Review of Policies, Procedures, and Legislation from Canada and the United States. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 42(3), 219-223. doi:10.1097/CEH.0000000000000424

Conference Papers

Rowland, P., Diaz, B., Brydges (2022). Professions, Continuing Education, and COVID-19: A Sociological Exploration to Inform Future Possibilities. In P.H. Sawchuk & K. Mirchandani (Eds.) Working, Learning and Social Change: Collected Papers of the RWL12 Toronto Conference Volume 1 (pp. 106-118). Toronto, ON: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.

Non-Peer Reviewed Papers

Sehlbach, C., Rowland, P. (accepted for publication July 19 2022). Opening up learning conversations: Including patients. Medical Education

Book Chapters

Crawford A, Richardson L, Simmonds E, Wiljer D, Strudwick G. Digital Compassion, Health Equity, and Cultural Safety: From the Therapeutic Relationship to the Organization of Virtual Care. In: Virtual Mental Health Care for Rural and Underserved Settings 2022 Oct 27 (pp. 55-67). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Lefkowitz A, Mokhachane M, Paton M, Bryden P, Whitehead CR, Wyatt T, Maniate J, Kuper A. Future Directions and Disruptive Innovations. In G. Merlo and T. Harter (Eds.), Medical Professionalism. Oxford University Press. (In Press)

Paton, M. Naidu T., Wong, R, Whitehead CR, Kuper A. (2022). Critical discourse analysis: questioning what we believe to be ‘true’. In J. Cleland & S. Durning (Eds.), Researching Medical Education, 2nd Edition. (pp. 153-162). Wiley.

Schneeweiss S. Teaching Continuing Professional Development. In: Awarding Winning Medical Teaching (Ing E, Tyndel F eds.). EBI Publishing, Toronto, ON 2022.


Invited Lectures and Presentations

2022 – 2023

University of Toronto, Certificate Program in CPD Foundations, Toronto, ON (10 X 1.5-hour sessions) Schneeweiss, S. (Program Co-Director)

2022 – 2023

University of Toronto, Leading and Influencing Change in CPD Certificate Program Toronto, ON (13 X 3-hour sessions) Schneeweiss, S. (Program Co-Director)

2022 – 2023

The Art and Science of Having Learning Conversations. Centre for Faculty Development, Stepping Stones Program, University of Toronto. Toronto, ON, Canada (Virtual). Presenter(s): Tavares W, Silver I.

2022 – 2023

Assessment Fundamentals for Clinical Contexts. Centre for Faculty Development, Stepping Stones Program, University of Toronto. Toronto, ON, Canada (Virtual). Presenter(s): Tavares W, Walsh C.

2023 May

Simulation for Continuing Professional Development. Leading and Influencing Change in Continuing Professional Development – University of Toronto, ON, Canada. Presenters: Tavares W., Tremblay M, Peta N.

2023 May

Preparing tomorrow’s experts: Integrating capability and context in changing worlds. Collaborating Across Borders VIII. Virtual Conference. Plenary members: Mylopoulos, M., Woods, N., Rowland, P. (Invited plenary)

2023 May

What works in CPD? Series of Vodcasts and Online Asynchronous Discussions with the CPD community. Learning Xchange. Coalition of Physician for Practice Improvement. Presenter(s): MacNeill H, Bernson Leung, M.

2022 Nov.

Navigating accreditation. University of Toronto, Continuing Education in the Health Professions Graduate Course (CHL5609). Schneeweiss, S.

2022 Oct.

Digital and technology applications for a more sustainable, integrated and patient-centric healthcare system. Health Infrastructure Conference. Hybrid Meeting. Presenter(s): Wiljer D. 

2022 Oct.

Finding our way together: Towards best practices in online and blended CPD. 13th National Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Accreditation Conference (13NAC). Virtual Conference. MacNeill H. (Plenary Speaker)

2022 Aug-Oct

Essential Skills in Continuing Professional Development. Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2022. Digital Program. Co-Chair and Lecturer. Schneeweiss, S.

2022 Sept.

Patient engagement. Essential Skills in Continuing Professional Development (ESCPD Course) – Webinar 3. International Association for Medical Education (AMEE). Virtual Meeting. Presenter(s): Wiljer D, Williams L. (Invited Speaker)

2022 Sept.

Blending Best Practices into Online Medical Education. Texas Children’s Hospitals- Annual Educator Orientation Day, Texas, United States. MacNeill H. (Keynote Speaker)


2023 June

Hybrid Flexible (HyFlex) Learning in CPD. Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education Annual Meeting. Presenter(s): Kim J, MacNeill H.

2023 April

Big Assumptions in Social Media. Membership Mondays, Centre for Faculty Development.  Toronto, ON. Presenter(s): MacNeill H, Bernson-Leung M, Rendely A, Fulan A.

2023 April

Blended and Hyflex Learning: Moving Towards A “Better” Normal. International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM). Quebec City. Presenters: MacNeill H, Dow H, Kim J.

2022 Nov.

Essential Skills In Cancer Education: Leadership – Leading and Influencing Change in Cancer Education. Virtual Workshop. Presenter(s): Amiel, G, Bishop M, Dawdy K, Heneghan K, Khader J, Santos-Silva F, Szumacher E, Tarkowski R, Wiljer D.

2022 Oct.

Towards Greater Inclusion in CPD: An opportunity for exploration and personal reflection. National Accreditation Conference. (Virtual) Schneeweiss, S.

2022 Oct.

Virtual Clinical Medical Education: Learner Supervision & Assessment in Virtual Care. ICRE (International Conference on Residency Education), Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Presenter(s): Stovel R, Branfield Day L, Dhamko H, MacNeill H.

2022 Oct.

Applying an evidence-informed new toolkit to CPD Design, Delivery, and Evaluation. National Accreditation Conference (Virtual). Wiljer D, Williams B, Kane G, Fried J, Northrip K, Schneeweiss S, Karsan I, Jeyakumar T, Ambata-Villanueva S, Bennet A, Paton M, Williams N, Younus S. Peer Reviewed Workshop.

Presented Abstracts

2023 June

Educational Technology Faculty Development Needs of Healthcare Educators. Short Presentation. Canadian Evaluation Society’s 2023 Conference. Quebec City. Petten N, MacNeill H, Telner D.

2023 June

Discourses of technology in strategic planning documents: An analysis of shifting knowledge regimes in Canadian academic medicine. Disrupting technology: Contextualising continuity and change in technology, work and employment. Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change (CERIC) and Monash Business School. Prato, Italy. Presenter: Rowland, P., Co-Authors: Brydges, M.

2023 May

Exploring meanings of expert and expertise in patient engagement activities: A qualitative analysis of a pan-Canadian survey. Canadian Association of Health Services Policy and Policy (CAHSPR). Montreal, QC. Presenter: Rowland, P. Co-Authors: Forest, P.G., Vanstone, M., Leslie, M., Abelson, J. (Oral presentation)

2023 May

Evaluation of Reporting Bias in CME/CPD Programs – A Work in Progress. AFMC CPD Symposium. Virtual. Paton M, Cook C, Hill T, Mawdsley H. Peer-Reviewed Oral Presentation.

2023 May

Validating a potential CPD Leadership competency framework. AFMC CPD Symposium. Virtual. Wiljer D, Paton M, Do V, Maniate J, Tavares W, Schneeweiss S.  Peer-Reviewed Oral Presentation.

2023 April

Accelerating the Appropriate Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Clinical Champions Program. International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM) Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Wiljer D.

2023 April

Building an Equity Lens in AI Education: Reporting on the Grey Literature of a Scoping Review. International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM). Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Wiljer D.

2023 April

Creating Safe Virtual Learning Spaces for Effective Health Information Systems Education. International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM). Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Wiljer D.

2023 April

Educational Technology Faculty Development Needs of Medical Educators. International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM), Quebec City. MacNeill H, Telner D, Petten N, Fawns T.

2023 April

Transformation in Time: A Case Study of Decision-Making in Continuing Professional Development Organizations During A. International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM), Quebec City, Canada. Paton M. Zakeri B, Rowland P, Tavares W, Williams B, Schneeweiss S, Wiljer D. Peer-Reviewed Oral Presentation.

2023 April

Understanding Leadership and the Role of the Leader in the Context of CPD – From Accidental to Intentional Leaders. International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM), Quebec City, Canada. Paton M, Jeyakumar T, Do V, Maniate J, Schneeweiss S, Wiljer D. Peer-Reviewed Oral Presentation.

2023 April

Elements and Definitions of Continuing Professional Development Leadership: A Scoping Review. International Congress on Academic Medicine (ICAM), Quebec City, Canada., Paton M. Do V, Jeyakumar T, Maniate J, Schneeweiss S, Wiljer D. Peer-Reviewed Oral Presentation.

2023 March

Understanding Leadership and the Role of the Leader in the Context of CPD – From Accidental to Intentional Leaders. Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME) Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN. Wiljer D, Paton M, Jeyakumar T, Do V, Maniate J, Tavares W, Schneeweiss S. Peer-Reviewed Oral Presentation.

2023 March

Transformation in Time: A Case Study of Decision-Making in Continuing Professional Development Organizations During A Nonnormative Event. Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME) Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN. Virtual Presentation. Paton M. Zakeri B, Rowland P, Tavares W, Williams B, Schneeweiss S, Wiljer D. Peer-Reviewed Oral Presentation.

2023 March

Elements and Definitions of Continuing Professional Development Leadership: A Scoping Review. Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME) Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN. Paton M, Do V, Jeyakumar T, Maniate J, Tavares W, Schneeweiss S, Wiljer D. Peer-Reviewed Oral Presentation.

2023 March

Accelerating the Appropriate Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: Clinician Champions Program Evaluation. Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME) Annual Meeting. Nashville, Tennessee, United States. Wiljer D.

2023 March

The Adoption of AI in Mental Health Care: Perspectives from Mental Health Professionals. Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME) Annual Meeting. Nashville, Tennessee, United States. Wiljer D.

2023 Feb.

Maximizing learning from serious safety events. Convergence Conference, The Michener Institute. Toronto, Ontario. Virtual Event. Co-Presenters: Rowland, P., Chartier, L., Pozzoban, L., Tosoni, S., (Oral panel presentation)

2022 Nov.

An innovative Virtual Focus Group Approach to Enhance Engagement within Health Informatics Research: Building Consensus among Health Professionals in Digital Compassion. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 2022 – Annual Symposium Decision. Washington, DC. Presenter(s): Wiljer D.

2022 Sept.

Professions, continuing education, and COVID-19: An analysis of professional learning systems during healthcare reorganization. Organizational Behaviour and Healthcare Conference (OBHC). Birmingham, United Kingdom. Presenter: Rowland, P. Co-Authors: Diaz, B.*, Byrdges, M.* (Conference paper and Oral presentation).

2022 Aug.

Preparing for a lifetime of learning in data and AI. International Association for Medical Education (AMEE). Presenter(s): Wiljer D. [Online Short Communication Session].

2022 July

Professions, continuing education, and COVID-19. Researching Work and Learning (RWL), Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Virtual Event. Presenter: Rowland, P., Co-Authors: Diaz, B.*, Brydges, M.* (Conference paper and Oral presentation).