The field of dentistry is constantly evolving as new guidelines and technologies are introduced and developed. In order to provide the best care for patients, it is vital for clinicians to understand the rationale behind the new guidelines and how they relate to traditional older ones.
The 2020 Update in Dentistry conference will address this topic of dealing with changes and advancements in dentistry. The conference will focus on both old and new principles and changes, which are equally important in the development of safe and effective treatments for patients.
Experts will compare, contrast, and critically evaluate these principles while providing scientific and clinical insights. Additionally, participants will take part in small group workshops on topics related to prosthodontics, pharmacology, periodontics, oral surgery, and endodontics. These topics include:
- Computer Guided Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- The ‘Highs’ and ‘Lows’ of Recreational Drugs: Past, Present, and Future
- Advanced TMJ Surgery
- Complications Related to Administration of Local Anaesthetics
- Periodontal Diagnosis: The New & The Old
- Digital Dentistry Workshop
Update in Dentistry is presented by the Mount Sinai Hospital’s Department of Dentistry and will take place on Friday, March 27, 2020 at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute in Toronto. Visit the conference website to register and learn more.