Learning has changed. Research in learning efficacy has determined that traditional didactic methods fall short in effectiveness when compared to more modern approaches to the creation and dissemination of educational content. CPD’s own Certificate Program in CPD Foundations, returning this fall, marks a recognition of this shift in the development of continuing medical education.
Marked by a focus on interactivity, sequencing, and actual practice, CPD Foundations brings the most cutting edge learning methods to its learners through innovative monthly webinars, teaching them how to create more effective CPD. Over a total of 10 live sessions, learners explore every facet of program design and development. These include training in developing planning models, determining learning needs, acquiring accreditation and taking newly created programs to market.
In all areas, participants learn to create consistency and common language in their program development. This emphasis on uniformity has the potential to harmonize educational principles and unify health professionals who are engaged in CPD from all over the world.
The Certificate Program in CPD Foundations begins October 10, 2017, and is currently open for registration. Visit the program website for more information.