The Sponsorship and Exhibitor Booking Agreement (company name, mailing address, level of sponsorship and signature must be completed) and return to Natalie Halsband, Lead Planner at
The agreement acknowledges that Urology Update 2019 is an Accredited Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activity at the University of Toronto and is subject to the National Standard for Support of Accredited CPD Activities, CMA Guidelines for Physicians Interactions with Industry and the University of Toronto Policy on Sponsorship of Accredited CPD Activities. The intent of these is to safeguard the integrity of accredited CPD activities from the influence of sponsoring organizations that could lead to bias. The general guiding principle is that CPD activities must be free from influence, based on best scientific evidence and focused on improving the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior of learners.
2019 Sponsorship Levels
$12,000.00 plus HST
- First tier placement of 10’x10’ booth in high traffic exhibit area
- 6 representatives may staff display (limited spots available, first come first serve)
- Company logo acknowledgement on all conference supporter material
(on site syllabus/poster/plenary slide and web site)
$10,000.00 plus HST
- Prominent placement of 8’x10’ booth in high traffic exhibit area
- 4 representatives may staff display (limited spots available, first come first serve)
- Company logo acknowledgement on all conference supporter material
(on site syllabus/poster/plenary slide and web site)
$7500.00 plus HST
- 6’ draped with an area that allows for 2 3’x7’pop floor display within a 1’ parameter of your table and/or display table
- 3 representatives may staff display (limited spots available, first come first serve)
- Company logo acknowledgement on all conference supporter material
(on site syllabus/poster/plenary slide and web site)
$5000.00 plus HST
- 6’ draped with an area that allows for 2 3’x7’pop floor display within a 1’ parameter of your table and/or display table
- 2 representatives may staff display (limited spots available, first come first serve)
- Company logo acknowledgement on all conference supporter material
(on site syllabus/poster/plenary slide and web site)
* Important: Sponsorship is subject to 13% Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)
For sponsorship information please contact:
Natalie Halsband
Event Planner, CMP
Continuing Professional Development Faculty of Medicine,
University of Toronto
Suite 650, 500 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario M5G 1V7
T: 416-946-0009