
All presentations include at least 25% interactivity between speakers and a larger audience. To foster an interactive and engaging learning environment, this will be achieved through the following formats:

  1. Poll Questions: Engaging the audience with poll questions to encourage participation and gauge understanding.
  2. Summary Slides: Speakers are asked to use summary slides after each topic or subtopic to reinforce key points.
  3. Practical Examples/Case Discussions: Incorporate practical examples or real-world cases to facilitate applied learning.

07:00 Breakfast and Registration
08:10 Opening remarks
Dr. Tiffany Zigras
Dr. Stephanie Lheureux
Session I: Personalized Approach for treatment in Gyne cancers
Moderator: Dr Anjelica Hodgson
08:15 Biomarkers in Gynecologic Cancers: Insights from Pathology – Update on Ovarian, Uterus and Cervix
Dr. Carlos Parra-Herran
08:45 Biomarkers from Genomic Perspective
Dr. Harriet Feilotter
09:05 Panel Discussion with Audience
09:15 Drug Approval and Implementation in Ontario: CCO Perspective
Dr. SarahFerguson
09:35 Challenges in the Application of Personalized Therapy in Practice
Dr. Luisa Bonilla
09:50 Panel Discussion with Audience
10:10 Break with Exhibitors
Session II: Personalized Approach in Patient Assessment and Quality of Life
Moderator: Nazlin Jivraj RN MN BScN CON(C)
10:30 Assessing Frailty in Patients with Gynecologic Malignancies
Dr. Julie Nguyen
10:50 Panel Discussion with Audience
11:00 Supporting Our Patients Emotionally Through Their Journey – The CALM Initiative
Dr. Megan George
Dr Gary Rodin
11:20 Panel Discussion with Audience
11:30 Beyond Survival: Enhancing Sexual Health Following Gynecologic Cancer Treatment
Dr. Lisa Roelfsema
11:50 Panel Discussion with Audience
12:00 Lunch with Exhibitors
Session III: Key Updates in Gynecological Cancer
Moderator: Dr. Rachel Soyoun Kim
13:00 Top Clinical Advances in Cervical Cancer Treatment
Dr. Al Covens
13:20 Panel Discussion with Audience
13:30 Top Clinical Advances in Platinum-Resistant Ovarian Cancer
Dr. Amit Oza
13:50 Panel Discussion with Audience
14:00 Top Clinical Advances in Endometrial Cancer Treatment: A 2024 Update
Dr. Josee-Lyne Ethier
14:20 Panel Discussion with Audience
14:30 Break with Exhibitors
Session IV: Top 2024 Abstracts & Multidisciplinary Case-Based Discussion
Moderators: Drs. Tiffany Zigras and Stephanie Lheureux
15:00 Top Papers in Gynecologic Oncology in 2024
Dr. Lina Salman
15:20 Panel Discussion with Audience
15:30 Panel Discussion with Audience: Multidisciplinary Case Conference: Real-World Cases from the Field
Presenting: Dr. Leena Hajra and Dr. Amira Rana
Panel: Dr. Al Covens, Dr. Josee-Lyne Ethier, Dr. Amit Oz
16:25 Closing Remarks
Dr. Tiffany Zigras
Dr. Stephanie Lheureux
16:30 End of Day