Welcome to the Medical Psychiatry Alliance (MPA) 2019 Annual Conference. Each year the MPA Conference attracts a range of healthcare professionals, trainees, patients and family members who are dedicated to transforming the lives of patients living with both mental and physical health issues. The MPA was designed to create new models of care and to train current and future healthcare providers to better support patients and families with co-occurring mental and physical health conditions. Attendees to this year’s conference will learn about capacity building efforts in new models of care, education programs from undergraduate to practice and will have opportunities to explore how MPA clinical and education programs can be scaled to their local setting. Our conference program includes several leading researchers, educators, clinicians, learners and service users, in addition to many networking opportunities. We look forward to seeing you in Toronto this year!

Patricia Houston
Patricia Houston
Benoit H. Mulsant
Benoit H. Mulsant
Sanjeev Sockalingam
Sanjeev Sockalingam


  • Disseminate and discuss innovative capacity building initiatives in integrated physical and mental health care.
  • Identify opportunities for collaborative and partnering with medical psychiatry initiatives from education to clinical practice.
  • Discuss the impact current medical psychiatry education interventions on learners from students to patients/families.


  • Share opportunities for collaborating with MPA education and clinical programs across health care system
  • Spread educational and clinical models for integrated physical and mental health care
  • Support collaboration across MPA and other organizations

Target Audience

  • Health care providers
  • Trainees (fellows & residents)
  • Hospital administrators
  • Scientists
  • MOHLTC representatives
  • Invited members of public (patients, caregivers, general public)

This work is supported by the Medical Psychiatry Alliance, a collaborative health partnership of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, The Hospital for Sick Children, Trillium Health Partners, and the University of Toronto, as well as the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and an anonymous donor.