25% (minimum) of each presentation will involve interactive learning. All presentations will be followed by a Q & A period.
Thursday, November 21
0800 | Breakfast & Registration |
Gallery |
0830 | Welcome and Opening Remarks Rita Kandel |
Auditorium |
0840 | Where will Machine Learning Make a Difference in Medicine in the Next 10 Years (and not)? Isaac Kohane |
Auditorium |
0920 | Impact of Machine Learning in the Next 5 Years (the panel will answer audience questions) Moderator: Brian Hodges Panelists: Anna Goldenberg, Sean Hill, Isaac Kohane, Laura Rosella |
Auditorium |
1000 | Travel Time |
Gallery |
Breakout Sessions | ||
1015 | Pathology & Imaging Machine Learning in Digital Pathology: Current Status, Future Prospects and Caveats Andrew Evans Implementation of AI for Brain Imaging in Clinical Practice April Khademi AI in the Operating Room Clyde Matava The Intersection of AI and Diabetic Retinopathy David Wong |
Auditorium |
1015 | Brain Science & Mental Health Using Computational Models to Link Behavior, Sleep and Brain Circuits Sean Hill Digital Mental Health: Reaching AI’s Potential or (Digital) Mirage? David Gratzer Language and Machine Learning as a Lens into Cognition Frank Rudzicz |
Event Room 1 |
1015 | The Promise of Machine Learning in Health Care What Artificial Intelligence Can and Can Not Do for Health Care Bo Wang |
Event Room 2 |
1015 | Medicine & Paediatrics Potential of ML to Augment Clinical Practice and Existing Road Blocks Anna Goldenberg “Learning From Our Mistakes”: How we can make machine learning on real clinical data work Marzyeh Ghassemi Practical Applications of AI into the Clinical Setting Devin Singh Improving Doctor-Patient Interaction with AI-Enabled Note Taking Michael Brudno |
Event Room 3 |
1145 | Travel Time |
Gallery |
1200 | Breakout Session Summaries Michael Kidd, Rebecca Wong, Aaron Pollett, Camilla Zimmermann |
Auditorium |
1230 | Closing Remarks Kaveh Shojania |
Auditorium |
1235 | Post Event Exhibits |
Gallery |
1315 | Symposium Adjourns |
Gallery |