Slhexun Sun’ts’a’- Coast Salish Primary Care Teamlet

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Author(s): Valerie Jefferd, Cowichan Tribes, Ts’ewulhtun Health Unit, Slhexun Sun’ts’a’ Clinic; Zhiish McKenzie, Cowichan Tribes, Ts’ewultun Health Unit, Slexun Sun’ts’a’ Clinic; Sari Raber


To address the lack of culturally safe primary care for Coast Salish Nations, we developed a primary care teamlet. The Slhexun Sun’ts’a teamlet is built on Hul’qumin’num perspectives of health and works with community members to promote health and wellness. The First Nations Health Authority , established in 2013, is an historic tripartite agreement between B.C First Nations, the province of British Columbia and Government of Canada to improve Indigenous health in BC. Starting in 2015, a number of innovative projects to transform Indigenous health care have been undertaken.
Oral Presentation