David Faraoni, MD, PhD, FAHA
I am a pediatric anesthesiologist from Belgium. Graduated from medical school (Free University of Brussels, Belgium) in 2007, I completed my residency in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care at the Free University of Brussels in September 2012.
I was subsequently employed as an Assistant Professor, in the department of Pediatric Anesthesiology at Queen Fabiola Children’s University Hospital in Brussels until September 2014. I completed my PhD thesis in June 2015, entitled: “Perioperative Management of Bleeding in Children undergoing Cardiac Surgery”.
From October 2014 until June 2016, I was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Anaesthesia at Harvard Medical School and Research Associate in the Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine at Boston Children’s Hospital.
I joined the Hospital for Sick Children in July 2016 where I completed a cardiac anesthesia fellowship. In July 2017, I was appointed as staff anesthesiologist in the Division of Cardiac Anesthesia and the Department of Anesthesia and Pain Medicine at The Hospital for Sick Children, Associate Scientist in the Department of Translational Medicine at the Sick Kids Research Institute and Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesia at University of Toronto.

Stephanie Holowka M.R.T.(R), M.R.T.(MR), MRSO (MRSC™)
Stephanie is a Medical Radiation Technologist. She has been an employee of the Hospital for Sick Children for over 30 years.
Stephanie completed her diploma in Diagnostic Radiography at the Michener Institute of Applied Health Sciences in Toronto, Canada. She has worked in several modalities including Computerized Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and Computer Navigation in Neurosurgery. Stephanie has been the MRI Safety Officer at the hospital for sick Children for over eight years. Stephanie is registered as an MRI Safety Officer under the American Board of Magnetic Resonance Safety.
Stephanie is an experienced lecturer. She has co-authored and collaborated on over 40 publications and three text books. Her most famous
In 2005, Stephanie was awarded the Alumnae of Distinction Award by her training school—the Michener Institute.

Jackie Hubbert, R.N. BScN, MBA
Jackie Hubbert, R.N. BScN, MBA is the Clinical Director at the Hospital for Sick Children with key operational oversight and accountability for Critical Care Services including the Paediatric ICU, Critical Care Response Team, the Labatt Family Heart Centre and Acute Care Transport Services (ACTS).
Jackie is a values driven leader with 16 years of experience providing business and strategic leadership focused on improving quality of care and health of children and families. She has extensive experience in patient care process improvement, strategic planning, operational management, project management, system development and quality improvement.
Jackie has chaired a number of hospital wide committees and has conducted programmatic reviews. She contributes to a variety of pan-provincial committees. Jackie has been with the Hospital for Sick Children for 26 years, beginning her career as a staff nurse in the Heart Centre in 1993. In 2012 she was appointed to a clinical director role, and obtained her MBA in 2015.

Vanna Kazazian, MN, NP
Vanna Kazazian is a Nurse Practitioner in the Cardiac Neurodevelopment and Neonatal Neurology Programs at the Hospital for Sick Children. She graduated from the Master of Nursing – Nurse Practitioner Program at the University of Toronto. Her clinical and research interests focus on improving neurodevelopmental outcomes in patients with congenital heart disease.

Jennifer Kilburn, MN, RN
Jennifer Kilburn is Quality Leader in the Heart Centre at the Hospital for Sick Children. She has worked at SickKids for 24 years, fulfilling roles including inpatient nurse, clinic nurse and clinical manager. A past recipient of the SickKids Award for Nursing Leadership, Jennifer is a graduate of Queen’s University, holds a Master of Nursing from the University of Toronto, and has completed the Certificate in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety from U of T.
Jennifer has twice successfully led the Heart Centre Accreditation team, and is a founding member of the Heart Centre Patient and Family Advisory Committee. Currently, Jennifer is involved in numerous quality improvement initiatives, including the Pediatric Acute Care Collaborative (PAC3) work on the inpatient unit, and reduction of central line bloodstream and surgical site infections. Away from the hospital, Jennifer enjoys canoeing in Algonquin Park with her family.

Linh Ly, MD
Dr. Linh Ly is a staff neonatologist, Medical Director of the NICU and Neonatal Neurodevelopmental Follow-Up Clinic at The Hospital for Sick Children. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Toronto. Her research focus is in neurodevelopmental outcomes of neonates with acquired brain injury or congenital heart disease.

Davide Marini, MD, PhD
Davide Marini is Paediatric Cardiologist who joined the Sickkids Hospital in 2016 from Italy where he completed his medical and pediatric training and also obtained a PhD in Multimodal Imaging.
He has worked as a pediatric radiologist and cardiologist in Paris, France at the Hôpital Necker Enfantes Malades, in Rome, at the Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù and in Turin at the Ospedale Infantile Regina Margherita, both in Italy, focusing his research on imaging techniques and interventional treatment of congenital heart diseases.
His current research interest is the impact of congenital heart diseases on brain development in fetuses and newborns by using advanced MR technology.

Conall Morgan, MD
Dr. Conall Morgan graduated from University College Dublin in 2008. After completing pediatric residency in Ireland he moved to Toronto to complete a fellowship in pediatric cardiology in 2013 acting as chief fellow in his final year of training.
He undertook a subspecialty clinical and research fellowship in echocardiography from 2016-18. Dr. Morgan joined the Division as a staff cardiologist in July 2018. He is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Medical Education through the University of Toronto and is the resident supervisor.
Dr. Morgan has won multiple teaching awards both during his time as a fellow and more recently as faculty for his contribution to the education of pediatric residents.

Lauren Skanes, RN BScN
Lauren Skanes is the Sr. Clinical Manager for the Cardiac Ambulatory programs at The Hospital for Sick Children.
Her portfolio includes the Echocardiography Lab, Heart Station, Cardiology clinic and the Cardiac Diagnostic & Interventional Unit. She has been a member of the SickKids team for 16 years.
“It is a privilege to collaborate with such strong teams of health care professionals to provide exceptional care to our patients and their families”.

Cecilia St. George-Hyslop, BScN, RN, BA Gen, M Ed, CNCCP(C)
Cecilia St. George-Hyslop is the Advanced Nursing Practice Educator in the Labatt Family Heart Centre’s Cardiac Critical Care Unit at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada.
Cecilia has held leadership positions with The Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses (CACCN) including Paediatric Consultant and President of the Toronto Chapter and President of the National Board of Directors.
She has been an invited speaker at many local, national and international forums. Cecilia enjoys teaching her fellow colleagues on education, simulation, continuous renal replacement therapy, ventricular assist devices, and paediatric cardiac critical care.

Shi-Joon Yoo, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Dr. Yoo is a cardiac radiologist and leads the Division of Cardiac Imaging, Department of Diagnostic Imaging, Hospital for Sick Children.
He is a professor of the Departments of Medical Imaging and Paediatrics at the University of Toronto. His main clinical and research activities are MR and CT applications in children with cardiovascular disease and fetal echocardiography.
He is an early adopter of 3D printing in pediatric cardiology and surgery. This technique allows preoperative assessment and simulation of the surgical procedures in patients with complex congenital heart disease, morphology teaching and hands-on surgical training.