
0745 Welcome address & Land acknowledgement

Special Focus Session: Updates

8:00 BI-RADS 6th Edition updates
Jessica Leung
8:45 Mammography updates
Supriya Kulkarni
9:00 OBSP 40-49 Screening updates
Samantha Fienberg
9:10 DBT & AI updates
Vivianne Freitas
9:30 Pre operative MRI updates
Derek Muradali
1000 Break & Exhibitor Hall Tour
Special Presentation

Focus: Axilla

10:30 Nodal Assessment in Breast Cancer
Jessica Leung
11:00 Interesting Axillary cases
Supriya Kulkarni
11:15 Management of the Axilla in Breast Cancer
Jessica Leung
11:45 Surgeons Expectations and Perspective
David Lim
12:15 Panel Discussion
Moderator: Andrew Chan
12:30 Lunch break & Exhibitor Hall Tour
12:45 Special Presentation

In-Person Participants
Hands-on Workshops

  1. Vacuum Biopsy
  2. Localization Workshop
  3. Tomosynthesis & AI
  4. MRI Biopsy

Digital Participants

13:30 Triangulation – Hemi Dua
14:00 Rad-Path Correlation- Ameya Kulkanrni
14:30 Nipple Discharge – Jessica Leung
15:00 BREAK

1515 Exhibitor Hall Tour
Special Presentation

Focus: Current Trends

15:30 Contrast Enhanced Mammography Case Based Learning
Sandeep Ghai
16:00 Architectural Distortion in Era of Tomosynthesis
Jessica Leung
16:30 Breast Cancer in Young people
Supriya Kulkarni
1700 Adjourn