CPD Department Leaders

Department of Anesthesia
Peter Slinger
The Department of Anesthesia has developed a number of web-based learning tools including Perioperative Interactive Education and an online bronchoscopy. CME Online Anesthesia rounds have also been expanded to 15 educational rounds. A total of 987 modules were completed by 451 participants this year.

Department of Otolaryngology
Yvonne Chan
The Department of Otolaryngology organized the University of Toronto Rhinology update with notable world renowned speaker Dr Heinz Stammberger. THis year innovations in learning included a live endoscopic sinus surgery, a cadaveric dissection demonstration and an “ask the expert” panel discussion.

Department of Family and Community Medicine
John Axler
DFCM ran an innovative 1-day program on Faculty Wellness and Resilience to help faculty deal with the frustrations and fears commonly experienced in academic medicine. Topics included 'Things we wished we had known', 'Mindfulness for health professionals' and 'Managing careers – from shifts to transitions'.

Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
Nadia Ismiil
This year, the Digital Pathology Library was established. The library has accumulated a significant number of images of various benign and malignant entities from different organ systems. Pathologists from major academic institutions in Toronto contributed images.

Department of Medicine
Brian Wong
The Department of Medicine has lead the development, implementation and evaluation of new models of delivering continuing education that integrate clinical, quality improvement and patient safety (QI&PS) content.

Department of Medical Imaging
Kartik S Jhaveri
The inaugural Medical Imaging for Family and Community Medicine Physicians was held in April 2015 and highlighted the optimal utilization of medical imaging in practice.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Rory Windram
The first comprehensive International Fetal Therapy Course was presented in Washington DC. This course used fetal and maternal simulators that were designed and created by the Department, in collaboration with Dr Francis Lebouthillier from the sculpture department at OCAD University.

Department of Occupational Sciences and Occupational Therapy
Debbie Hebert
This year the CPD OT committee developed the first certificate course on Facilitating Work Integration Across Rehabilitation Populations which will be offered January 22, 2016

Department of Opthalmology and Vision Science
Wai-Ching Lam
The development and delivery of novel and in demand CPD events continues. This includes the Macular OCT workshop at the 2015 Annual Canadian Ophthalmological Society Meeting, and the updated and redesigned online Visiting Professor Rounds.

Department of Paediatrics
Mark Feldman
The Department has been awarded the University of Toronto’s Education Development Fund Grant to study our innovation of ‘Test-Enhanced Learning’. The evaluation will take place at the 2016 Paediatric Update.

Department of Physical Therapy
Cathy Evans
Efforts have been focused on continuing education resources for the Ontario Internationally Educated Physiotherapy Bridging Program. Collaborative partnerships with departments, associations, and clinicians in local and international communities have also helped to strengthen CPD offerings.

Department of Psychiatry
Sangeev Sockalingam
The Department of Psychiatry was the first mental health department to join the Association of American Medical Colleges Aligning and Education for Quality (AAMC ae4Q) network.

Department of Radiation Oncology
Doug Moseley
The RTi3 radiation therapy conference celebrated its 10th year. It continues to deliver a high quality program for Radiation Therapy staff and has become the premier Radiation Therapy research and education program within Canada.

Department of Speech Pathology
Pascal van Lieshout
The Department joined forces with the Ontario Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (OSLA) to organize a new CPD course that describes contemporary and advanced approaches to assessment and intervention in emergent literacy, reading, and writing disorders.

Department of Surgery
Terry Axelrod
The CPD office managed the majority of continuing education events run by the Department of Surgery. The courses achieved great success with 2820 participants across all courses.