Keynote Speakers

Ki Jinn Chin
Ki Jinn Chin is a Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at the University of Toronto, and the Regional Anesthesia Program Director at Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, Canada. He obtained his medical degree from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom, completed anesthesiology training in Singapore, and has dual-fellowship certifications in Neuroanesthesia (University of Western Ontario) and Regional Anesthesia (Toronto Western Hospital) in Canada. He is passionate about all things to do with ultrasound-guided nerve blocks, but his particular academic and clinical interests include (1) ultrasound-guided fascial plane blocks, (2) spinal anesthesia, and (3) education in the clinical and technical skills required for regional anesthesia using both traditional and online formats (primarily YouTube).

Natalie Clavel
Dr. Natalie Clavel completed her anesthesia residency training at the University of Ottawa in 2012. Natalie joined the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management at Toronto Western Hospital in March 2014 as a clinician-teacher. In 2015, Natalie completed a Masters in Health Systems Research and Administration with the Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation (IHPME), at the University of Toronto. Her academic interests include: operating room efficiency, performance measurement, patient experience, physician wellness, and medical education.

Stuart McCluskey
Stuart McCluskey is a staff anesthesiologist at the Toronto General Hospital and associate professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine at the University Toronto. He is the Anesthesia Director for Abdominal Organ Transplantation Program and the Medical Director for the Perioperative Blood Management Program at the University Health Network. His academic interests include a broad range of topics including pain management, perioperative fluid therapy, blood management and postoperative outcomes research. These interests have been invaluable to his efforts to support Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Programs and Best Practice In Surgery.
Dr. McCluskey is an advocate for anesthesiology to play a bigger role in perioperative care. As the chair of the Canadian Anesthesiology Research Foundation and Ontario Anesthesiologist Executive member at large he advocates for anesthesiologists to lead change.

Duminda N. Wijeysundera MD PhD FRCPC
Dr. Wijeysundera is a Professor, Staff Anesthesiologist, and the Endowed Chair in Translational Anesthesia Research at St. Michael’s Hospital – Unity Health Toronto and the University of Toronto. He is an internationally renowned expert in perioperative medicine whose research focuses on approaches to better predict, prevent, and treat adverse sequalae following surgery, such as major complications and disability. He has authored more than 350 peer-reviewed publications, while his research has been supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, PSI Foundation, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Canadian Anesthesia Research Foundation, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, and the government of Ontario. Dr. Wijeysundera is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the International Anesthesia Research Society, an Associate Editor at Anesthesiology, and an Editorial Board member at the Canadian Journal of Anesthesia and Circulation.
Planning Commitee
Laura Girón-Arango MD FRCPC
Assistant Professor
Staff Anesthesiologist
Toronto Western Hospital
Fernanda Septimio Lanza Oliveira MD
Obstetric Anesthesia Fellow
Mount Sinai Hospital
Fabio de V. Papa MD MScCHB FASE
Assistant Professor
Staff Anesthesiologist
St. Michael’s Hospital
Michael Ricci MB BCh BAO FRCPC
Staff Anesthesiologist
St. Michael’s Hospital
Soniya Sharma MBA MD FRCPC
Assistant Profesor
Staff Anesthesiologist and Intensivist
Mount Sinai Hospital
Diana Tamir MD FRCPC
Staff Anesthesiologist and Intensivist
Toronto General Hospital
Sanket Agrawal MD DM Neuroanesthesia
Assistant Professor
Staff Anesthesiologist
Toronto Western Hospital
Hilda Alfaro MD
Associate Professor
Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine
Western University
Ahmad Alli MD, MMed FRCPC
Assistant Professor
Staff Anesthesiologist and Intensivist
Medical Director of CVICU
St Michael's Hospital
Camila Arango MD
Sinéad Campbell MB BCh BAO FCAI
Assistant Professor
Staff Anesthesiologist
Toronto Western Hospital
Luis E. Chaparro MD, FRCPC
Staff Anesthesiologist
Peterborough Regional Health Centre
Santiago Chaverra MD
Advanced Airway Management Fellow
Toronto General Hospital
Daniel Cordovani MD MSc
Associate Professor
McMaster University
Staff Anesthesiologist
Hamilton Health Sciences
Fernando Escudero MD
Airway Fellow
University of Toronto
Mount Sinai Hospital
Wesla Packer Pfeifer Ferrarezi MD MSc MScCH (HPTE)
Assistant Professor
Program Director of Obstetrical Anesthesia
St. Michael's Hospital
Marcos Frasson MD FIPP
Fellow in Chronic Pain
Toronto Western Hospital
Ben Goodman MD
University Health Network
Farhang Jalilan MD, FRCPC
Anesthesiologist and Pain Physician
St. Michael’s Hospital
Isabella Jaramillo MD MSc
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
McMaster University
Staff Anesthesiologist
McMaster Children's Hospital
Seung Cheol (Paul) Kim MBChB FRCA FFPMRCA
Regional Fellow
Anesthesia and Pain Management
Toronto Western Hospital
Assistant Professor
Staff Physician
UHN-Toronto Western Hospital
Michelle Lazar MD
Anesthesia Education and Simulation
University Health Network
Faraj Massouh MD CABMS FRCPC
Assistant Professor
Staff Anesthesiologist
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Ameya Pappu MD
Clinical Fellow, Anesthesia
Toronto Western Hospital
Atipong Pathanasethpong MD
University Health Network
Pablo Perez d’Empaire MD FRCPC FCCM FASE
Assistant Professor
Cardiovascular Anesthesiology and Perioperative Echocardiography
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Karla Pungsornruk MBBS FANZCA
Staff Physician
Toronto Western Hospital
Sabri Soussi MD PhD
Assistant Professor
Staff Anesthesiologist
Toronto Western Hospital
UHN Women’s College Hospital
Michael Szpejda B.Sc MD FRCPC
Clinical Fellow
Cardiac Anesthesia & Critical Care
St. Michael's Hospital
Roland S. Xu MD FRCPC
Staff Anesthesiologist
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Unless otherwise indicated, all academic appointments are with the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto