
Saturday March 29

07:30 Registration and Breakfast
08:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks
Laura Giron Arango
08:15 Pragmatic Cardiac Risk Assessment for Major Elective Non-Cardiac Surgery: Where are We in 2025?
Duminda Wijeysundera
09:00 Q&A and Discussion
09:15 Patient Blood Management – Is there a role for Anesthesia?
Stuart McCluskey
10:00 Q&A and Discussion
10:15 Break
10:45 Crash Course in Ambulatory Anesthesia
Natalie Clavel
11:15 Challenges and Troubleshooting for spinal anesthesia in the ambulatory setting
KiJinn Chin
11:45 Q&A and Discussion
12:00 Lunch
13:00 PBLD Session One

Choose one topic per session for a total of three

  1. PBDL1: Sedation Strategies Outside the OR
    Natalie Clavel
  2. PBDL2: Best Practices for Spine Surgery
    Sanket Agrawal
  3. PBDL3: Rebound Pain in Regional Anesthesia
    Sinead Campbell
  4. PBDL4: Management of PPDH – What’s New
    Faraj Massouh
  5. PBDL5: Myocardial infarction following non-cardiac surgery
    Ahmad Alli
  6. PBDL6: Management of a difficult or failed epidural in obstetrics
    Wesla Pfeifer
  7. PBDL7: The risks behind the routine: Anesthesia for pediatric tonsillectomy and postoperative complications
    Isabella Jaramillo
  8. PBDL8: Compassion in Anesthesia
    Luis Chaparro
  9. PBDL9: Aortic Stenosis in Non-Cardiac Surgery
    Hilda Alfaro, Camila Arango
  10. PBDL10: Anesthetic considerations in patients with chronic pain
    Pranab Kumar
  11. PBLD11: Fluid therapy: Crystalloids vs Albumin – Why, when, and how?
    Sabri Soussi
14:00 Break
14:15 PBLD Session Two – Topics repeated
15:15 Break
15:30 PBLD Session Three – Topics repeated

Sunday March 30

07:30 Registration and Breakfast
08:00 Workshops: Session One

Choose one topic per session for a total of three

  1. Workshop 1: Basic Cardiac POCUS Workshop
    Camila Arango, Hilda Alfaro, Fabio Papa, Pablo Perez, Roland Xu
  2. Workshop 2: Airway Workshop
    Daniel Cordovani, Ameya Pappu, Atipong Pathanasethpong, Mandeep Singh, Fabricio Zasso
  3. Workshop 3: What is new in Upper limb blocks: Motor sparing blocks for hand surgery, Superior trunk block and costoclavicular
    Karla Pungsornruk, Paul Kim, Ben Goodman
  4. Workshop 4: Neuroaxial ultrasound / Epidural guidance, Spine Ultrasound, ESP, Paravertebral
    Speaker TBC
09:30 Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
09:45 Workshops: Session Two – Topics repeated
11:15 Break
11:30 Workshops: Session Three – Topics repeated
13:00 Adjourn