2018 Agenda

Saturday, 14 April 2018

Lecture program is based on a minimum of 25% of time allowed for questions and answers.

07:00 Registration and Breakfast
07:40 Welcome and opening remarks
Dr. David Wong
Dr. Beverley Orser
Chair, Department of Anesthesia

Lectures: Session 1
Moderator:  Adam Snyman

 08:00  Cannabinoids in Acute and Chronic Pain
Ainsley Sutherland

08:25 Intraoperative Management of COPD: What’s new
Peter Slinger

08:50 General Anesthesia and Brain Development in Young Children
James O’Leary


Relle Memorial Lecture

POCUS in the Obstetric Patient
Cristian Arzola and Kristina Khanduja

09:40 Panel Discussion
10:00 Refreshment Break with Exhibitors

Lectures: Session 2

Moderator:  David Wong

10:30 Non-invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring: Is it useful?
Robert Thiele

10:55 Stop and Think: Peri-operative precautions with the use of opioids
Paul Tumber

11:20 NOAC and Neuro-axial Blocks: What should I do?
Ahtsham Niazi

11:45 Out of Hospital Anesthesia: What are you in for?
Matt Kurrek

12:10 Panel Discussion
12:30 Lunch (provided)

Program Based Learning Sessions

Participants may select one PBL in each of the three sessions.

13:30 Session 1
14:30 Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
14:45 Session 2
15:45 Break
16:00 Session 3
17:00 End


  1. Peri-operative Management of Patients with Seizure Disorders
    Zoe Unger and Michael Dinsmore

  2. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in a Patient with Pulmonary Hypertension
    Peter Slinger

  3. My child needs surgery performed under general anesthesia – what questions should I be asking?
    James O’Leary

  4. Fluid Responsive vs. Hypovolemic: Hypothetical Cases
    Robert Thiele

  5. The Peri-operative Buprenorphine Headache
    Akash Goel, Paul Tumber

  6. The Peri-operative Use of Cannabis and Synthetic Cannabinoids
    Ainsley Sutherland

  7. Aspirin, Anticoagulants and Regional Techniques
    Ahtsham Niazi

  8. M & M Discussion: Out of hospital anesthesia
    Matt Kurrek

  9. Assessment and Peri-operative Management of the Frail Older Adult
    Ian Randall and Karen Ng

  10. Liver Disease – A real peri-operative risk
    Coimbatore Srinivas

  11. POCUS in the Obstetric Patient
    Cristian Arzola and Kristina Khanduja

  12. Cervical Spine Disease and Difficult Intubation
    Gianni Lorello

Sunday, 15 April 2018

07:30 Breakfast and Registration

90 min session x 3

08:00 Session 1
09:30 Refreshment Break with Exhibitors
09:45 Session 2
11:15 Break
11:30 Session 3
13:00 End


  1. Airway Ultrasound in Surgical Airways (Hands-on Skills-based)
    Eric You-Ten, Dekel Lait, Fabricio Zasso

  2. Lumbar Spine Ultrasound (Hands-on Skills-based)
    Naveed Siddiqui, Gayani Jayasooriya, Adrian Koziak, Yusuke Mazda, Jesse May

  3. Peri-operative Applications of POCUS (Hands-on Skills-based)
    Marcos Silva Restrepo, Catalina Casas Lopez, Pablo Perez d’Empaire, Wilfredo Puentes

  4. Useful Regional Blocks for Ambulatory Anesthesia (Hands-on Skills-based)
    Karen Lam, Robert Bechamp, Melissa Ho, Darryl Hoffer, Sarah Tierney

  5. Should I Believe this Study? The potential of big data to answer big questions (Small Group Interactive Learning)
    Karim Ladha

  6. Anesthesia and Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (Small Group Interactive Learning)
    Clyde Matava and Fahad Alam

  7. ACLS Simulation (Hands-on Skills-based)
    Chris Hudson

PLEASE NOTE: Participants may select up to TWO hands-on skills-based workshops.   The third selection MUST be made from one of the two small-group interactive learning workshops, either workshop #5 (Should I Believe this Study?) or #6 (Anesthesia & Artificial Intelligence).  You may select both if you wish but MUST choose at least one.